Thursday, January 7, 2010

Transparent Tories

The Tories have got off to an even more shaky start to 2010 than Labour.

Cameron's much vaunted policy launch fell apart at the seams. Cameron himself didn't understand his own flagship married tax policy. So badly did he get it wrong he had to issue a written clarification contradicting his earlier pronouncement.

Tory headquarters staff are falling out amongst themselves and Steve Hilton, Cameron's top strategist, is being undermined by colleagues.
Even the Tory press were less than impressed and the Spectator was withering about Cameron's emperor without any policy clothing. Tory bloggers were underwealmed by Cameron's Tory lite agenda.

Alistair Darling issued a weighty tome proving the Tories £37 billion budgetary shortfall. While Peter Mandleson gave a magisterial presentation of government policy. Brown was brilliant at PMQs.

You would be forgiven for not noticing - it's all out there on the internet - because of the failed coup de l'épiphanie.

Dork Miliband marched his band of ragtag Blairites up to the top of the ramparts only to leave them halfway up or down while he hid himself from view.

This is the third (fourth?) time the Grand Old Dork of Miliband has left his cronies in the lurch.

If Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber hadn't been led astray by the Grand Dork, the Tories would have looked pretty disorganised and stupid by Wednesday night.

The benighted and soon to be dropped Steve Hilton is a great advocate of 'transparency'. Cameron's tory lite programme for opposition was so emptily transparent only the Grand Dork saved Tory blushes.

Tories 2 (o.g.) Labour 2 (o.g.)


  1. The six names former YC National Chair Nick Robinson says were given him by Hoon/Hewitt, who say they did not speak with a single name in the cabinet, were a joke, including people who likely once upon said something rude about Gordon in the tea room.

    The latest "Hilary Benn says Snow Plot was 'a storm in a thimble'" - Paul Waugh. This pretty much says it all, Except that the media and the imaginary threats for cabinet ministers to quit were the true authors of this, otherwise, as Hopi Sen points out, it would just have been two has beens with a silly idea (appx)

    Benn was the last to "endorse" Gordon, these statements are almost as meaningless as the accusations which preceded them, but at least they are authored by those to whom they are attributed.

  2. Thank you, I note what you say. It doesn't quite sit with my sources in the Midlands or London. It complements obliquely, however, with my gut instincts. I will know better by early next week. As I noted last night, I used 'cloisonnement' deliberately. I thank you for this.

    For my part, the boil has been lanced. I agree it was une tempête de neige dans une boule d'hiver.

  3. With friends like Jacob Rees-Mogg they don't need enemies...

  4. Westminster is self evidently an oft bitchy village, Paul, in which many spend their time working, while others feed the rumour mongers who pass for journalists etc.

    We need to go forward, and together is the only good choice in my view.
