Monday, January 4, 2010

Dementia and General Election 2010 - Part One

The Alzheimers Society wants to put dementia research, treatment and care at the heart of this year's General Election Campaign. I support this initiative wholeheartedly.

I must declare an interest: I am suffering from the early effects of vascular dementia, a by product of polycythemia vera - a bone marrow disease. My prognosis is good 9-13 years and I am in touch with someone in Oxford, a Classics specialist, who has managed her condition for some 15 years.

A very fine person, the talented blogger and wit, Ron Broxted of Independent Minds, once messaged me "there's nothing wrong with your mind". It was kind of him and something I needed to hear at that time.

Dementia afflicts different people in different ways and at different depths of the mind. My friend in Oxford and I both have access to very large vocabularies and both of us read and speak several languages, blessed with impeccable grammar from an early age - we can both fake it in public, always find a synonym and get by.

Yet dementia bedevils our every waking moment. A wordsmith and language teacher all my life, I have been blessed with impeccable spelling. No more, I use a dictionary constantly and write by hand every blog, every tweet and every SMS. Even then I make many a slip between hand and eye and have problems seeing and copying tinyurls!

I have huge difficulties in concentration - which is why twitter is a god send - I think in bursts of 140 characters. This text is a huge effort and what once I could have written in a single draft in half an hour, now takes several re-writes and several hours.

I have difficulty in groups of 3 or more people, especially if two talk at the same time. I can no longer watch a 90 minute movie, my mind wanders and I literally 'lose the plot'. An hour ago, earlier today, short term memory is shot.

1 comment:

  1. When I am elected as MP for NW Leictershire I shall ban illness. On a less flippant note it brings us to Theodicy, a good God cannot be all powerful, an all powerful God cannot be all good (evil exists he'd just zap it). Why do bad things happen to good people (like yourself)? One could be spiteful and draw up a list of nasty things to happen to Pinochet/Blair/whoever.
