Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why I will vote Labour in 2010

In November 2008, I met an old school friend, David Cheetham, that I have known for more than 40 years.

I told him unequivocally I would vote Cameron. I was totally opposed to ID cards and Cameron promised to scrap them.

Then I began to follow Cameron and Osborne's insane response to the global banking crisis.

I watched as Brown and Darling galvanised the global political and financial community during the haitus of the US presidential transition. By the time of Obama's inauguration, I had swung behind Brown and Darling. The Tories economic policy made no sense - it still doesn't. Then Cameron sided with east european homophobes, neo-fascists and anti-semites.

I swallowed my distaste of ID cards, which I still abhor, and supported Labour.

Brown impressed me over the G20 negotiations while Cameron and Osborne flailed in economic irrelevence.

More and more Cameron reminded me of the vacuous Blair.

As Brown and Ed Miliband - a far more astute politician than his dork of a brother David - began to address COP15 and climate crisis my mind was made up. The Tories made no sense on climate issues.

The two most pressing issues of 2009-10, climate crisis and banking crisis, Cameron and Osborne had little to say. What they did say was absurd.

A year later, I have yet to hear the Conservatives make sense on any issue. I shall listen carefully to Cameron these next few weeks.

I won't hold my breath.


  1. I would hack my limbs off with a rusty razor than vote ZaNuLabour. I will never carry an ID card either.

  2. On ID cards - the new passport serves as ID card for data base purposes. The finger print and iris scan are link to data base. Some 80% have passports. ID cards are for non-eu nationals and those without passports.

    Contact Point - children's data base - will form backbone of ID data base. Also medical 'spine' data base to be integrated by 2020.
